Terri Bowden
Terri Bowden, Owner of Virginia Beach Harmonic Egg, born on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, was exposed to the wonders of the world whilst globe-trotting with her parents from a young age. An accomplished artist as a teenager she won a scholarship to a prestigious art academy in Paris that sadly was not taken up due to a change in family circumstances.
Based for many years in the Middle East, Terri soaked up the eclectic cosmopolitan environment which enabled her spiritual and creative abilities to nurture and develop.
Now living on the East Coast of the United States with her husband Beau. Terri had not put pen to paper for nearly forty years until recently, when Spirit guided her to put a pencil in her hand and sketch the images of those, she 'SEES' in Spirit. This led to the discovery of the unique and rare talent for spirit portraits. Terri works as a Spirit Portrait Artist, Evidential Medium, ICU Teacher for children and teaches various fun inter-active workshops for adults
When your loved one’s transition to the Spirit World, to communicate with a medium can be hard enough, but to try and make that medium draw a 'real life photographic portrait' for you, can be equally as hard. That's why most spirit artists, including Terri all aim to draw a good likeness of your loved ones that carries 'essence' of your loved one that you will recognize them.
Bringing proof of your loved one's from spirit that only you know. In addition she offers Tarot and Psychometry readings
This NEW programme is a technique which enables children to expand their minds, awareness and learning capabilities. This revolutionary method teaches children to 'see' without their physical eyes, to 'see' with their higher consciousness.​
Terri holds varies development workshops and classes on subjects such as; Remote Viewing; Intuition; Tarot; Building your Psychic Tool Box; Spirit Guides; Psychic Protection, and many more.